
survey+ tagging.

A - Age: 17,mau msk 18 da.

B - Bed size: double size.

C - Chinese Food Dish:chap choi fan.

D - Dentist name: nth,lpa sda..

E - Early Bird or Night Owl? Early bird.

F - Favorite color: black.

G - Gold or Silver: silver.

H - Height: nth brapa,tp pindik ja.haha

I - Ink as in tatto's you have: tda tatoo,tp ada plan mau bt.ahaha

J - Job title: accounting.haha

K - Kitchen Meal or Restaurant?
Kitchen meal.

L - Living arrangements: nda tau,nda mau rncg apa2 tgk ja mcmna nnt.hee

M - Month of birth: july.

N - Nicknames: shami+uchu+nik+adlizan.

O - On time or late: both.hee

P - Pet Peeve: piggy.haha

Q - Quote from a movie: 0.

R - Right or left handed: right.

S - Siblings: nik shamira adiba [my big szta]

T - Time you wake up: 8.25am.

U - Urgent thing on your to do list: tda..

V - Vegetable you dislike: buncis.euww..aku bnci bnda 2.

W - Wishing for: sleeping.haha

X - X-rays you've had: nda prnh kna xray2 lg.

Y - Yummy food you make: ikan goreng kali.haha

Z - Zoo Favorite: nda prnh ke zoo.haha

tagging ayen + florist 2 answer diz !


  1. oit! npa ada tatu. haha,sa nda da tu. caner nk jwb ea. hua3

  2. Hahaha nda tau,tnya para editor.aku plan mau bli tatu stiker.haha
